| 1. | Zheng he ' s voyage and sino - african relations 论郑和远航在中非关系史上的意义 |
| 2. | New situation in africa and sino - african relations 非洲新形势与中非关系 |
| 3. | Establishing historical visiting of sino - africa relationship in 21st century 构筑21世纪中非关系的一次历史性访问 |
| 4. | Sino - african relations have stood the tests of time and drastic international changes 中非关系经受了时间与国际风云变化的考验。 |
| 5. | Includes sections on the consulate general , events and the country s culture -包括使馆介绍中非关系领事服务了解菲律宾等信息。 |
| 6. | Mr alden is also good on some of the more obscure aspects of china ' s engagement with africa 对于中非关系中更为模糊的地方,阿尔登也作了精彩评述。 |
| 7. | I had the honor of attending the unprecedented event in the history of china - africa relationship with many of you here 我和在座的很多朋友有幸亲身参与这件中非关系史上的空前盛事。 |
| 8. | Foreign minister yang jiechi says china ' s development of relations with africa is not one aimed at personal gain , but rather the development of common goals based on a sincere friendship 中国外交部部长杨洁篪表示,中非关系的发展旨在实现建立在真诚友好基础上的共同发展,而不是出于一己私利。 |
| 9. | We , leaders of china and african countries , in a common pursuit of friendship , peace , cooperation and development , are gathered in beijing today to renew friendship , discuss ways of growing china - africa relations and promote unity and cooperation among developing countries 我们中非领导人本着友谊、和平、合作、发展的宗旨,相聚北京,共叙友情,共商推动中非关系发展、促进发展中国家团结合作的大计。 |