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English translation for "中缀表达式"

nifix expression

Related Translations:
中缀:  infix◇中缀表达式 infix expression; 中缀表示法 infix notation; 中缀次序 inorder; infix order
中缀次序:  inorderinfix order
中缀符:  infix notation
中缀运算符:  infix operator
中缀符号计算器:  infix notation calculator
中缀表示法:  infix notation
结果表达式:  result expression
比例表达式:  scale expression
下界表达式:  lower bound expression
当前表达式:  current expression
Example Sentences:
1.Converting infix expression to a postfix expression
2.Parsing an infix expression
3.Read the infix expression from left to right , one character at a time
4.Evaluating a postfix expression is simpler than directly evaluating an infix expression
5.The operands are in the same order that they would be in the equivalent infix expression
6.It does not convert infix expressions to postfix notation ; rather , it evaluates the infix expression directly
7.The conversion process involves reading the operands , operators , and parentheses of the infix expression using the following algorithm
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