| 1. | "oh, sister," said solomon, with ironical softness . “啊,妹妹,”索罗蒙说,温和中带一点刺。 |
| 2. | These last words were uttered quietly but in a tone so sardonic . 他说最后一句的时候语气很镇静,可是话中带刺。 |
| 3. | Her fingers tangled with the grey-black hair laying open the bald patch . 她的手指插进灰中带黑的头发,披露出一块秃顶。 |
| 4. | "does it make you dizzy?" he asked in a tone of great kindness . “是不是转得你头晕了?”他问道,声音中带着无限的柔情。 |
| 5. | Underground erosion is the removal of solids, from the soil by the flow of underground water . 地下侵蚀是指固体颗粒被地下水流从土壤中带走的现象。 |
| 6. | She thought again: a bitter sweetness, and always the same single question recurring . 她又想起了这甜中带苦,苦中有甜的事,这一问题老在头脑中打转。 |
| 7. | Not far from the road stood a weather-beaten old barn of reddish-grey brick and tile . 离大路不远,有一个久经风吹雨打的老仓房,由灰中带红的砖和瓦盖的。 |
| 8. | The rather bitter note of this statement probably reflects the tone of the white planters . 这种说法中带着一些怀恨的口气,它或许反映了一种白人殖民者的腔调。 |
| 9. | Again he lowered his head and gazed into the fascinating and yet treacherous depths of that magnetic, bluish, purple pool . 他又低下头来,盯住这蓝中带紫的池塘里迷人而险恶的湖底。 |
| 10. | The hotel manager learned that the quiet man taken from his room by the police was a murderer with a price on his head . 旅店经理获知被警察从房中带走的那位沉默者是被悬赏捉拿的杀人犯。 |