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English translation for "中华法系"

chinese law
chinese legal system

Related Translations:
李中华:  zhonghua li
中华思想:  culture of china
中华少年:  chinese children
中华汽车:  china motor busmitsubishi
中华日本学会:  china society for japan studies
中华马鲛:  chinese mackerelchinese seerfish
中华小当家:  chinese little masterchūka ichiban
中华汽车有限公司:  china motor bus co. ltdchina motor bus co., ltd
中华内科杂志:  chinese journal of internal medicinezhonghua nei ke za zhi=
大中华区:  greater china
Example Sentences:
1.Shang shu : foundation for traditional chinese law system
2.A tentative study of chen gu - yuan chinese legal system research
3.Chinese legal system was established by the confucianism
4.On the basis of these definitions , i discuss and show the significance of customary law of ethnic minority . chapter 1 the creation and development of chinese customary law of ethnic minority
5." the tang law dredges opinion " is the earliest , the most complete and historically influential code of written law existing in china , which embodies all - round styles and characteristics of chinese law system
6.The chapter discuss the effects of the legislation of mongolia in qing dynasty from the followings : in one hand , the legislation of mongolia in qing dynasty promoted the amalgamation of mongolia legal systems to chinese legal systems ; on the other hand , it promoted the identifying of mongolia to chinese
7.The introduction of this article thinks that the comprehensive model of governing a country of valuing education centrally reflects the spirit and wisdom of chinese nation and fully shows the character of unique law system of china , which is different from the combination of the religion and law of other countries , and is model of running a state originally founded by china . this is an important contribution to the human civilization by chinese nation
8.As one important part of chinese law system , customary law of ethnic minority , which still affects ethnic minority areas greatly at the present age , has the most abundant contents and exercises the greatest influence in chinese law system , various ethnic minority , along with long period of living and production practices , develop their own national customary laws by which to protect the whole national interests , keep national internal order and to improve the peace and development of national areas
9.As a great legist in late qing dynasty who was erudite and well - informed , shenjiaben , from the point of view that the criminal law was the most essential one among all , was in charge of drafting the new criminal law of qing dynasty , which overthrew the chinese legal system lasting for over two thousand years , and transplanted the advanced thought for criminal punishment with " justice " as its soul
摘要作为一个博古通今、连贯中西的晚清法学大家,沈家本从“各法之中,尤以刑法为切要”的认识出发,主持拟定了《大清新刑律》 ,瓦解了延续中国二千多年的中华法系,导入了以“公正”为灵魂的先进的刑罚思想。
10.This first part of this thesis investigates the proper norms regulating civil acts in ancient china , which comprises chapter one " the development and characteristics of the china law system " , chapter two " the exploration of the sources of chinese proper civil law " and chapter three " the mode and cause of formation of the chinese proper civil law "
本文第一编研究了中国古代固有的民事法律规范,包括第一章“中华法系的沿革及其特征” ;第二章“中国固有民法之探源” ;第三章“中国固有民法的调整模式及其成因”共三章。
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