[ gè, ge ] 个 Ⅰ量词 1.(用于没有专用量词的名词) : 一个理想 an ideal; 两个月 two months; 三个梨 three pears 2.(用于约数的前面) 短语和例子 差个两 三岁 about two or three years short; 这点活有个两三天就干完了。 this bit of work can easily be finished in a couple of days.3.(用于带宾语的动词后面) 短语和例子 见个面儿 meet a person; 说个话儿 have a talk; 他在农村锻炼了两年, 扶个犁, 赶个车, 都拿得起来。 after a couple of years in the countryside, he was quite good at handling a plough and driving a cartⅡ助词 1.(用于动词和补语之间) 短语和例子 笑个不停 keep on laughing; 吃个饱 eat one's fill; 砸个稀巴烂 smash sth. to smithereens; 明天我们要玩个痛快。 we'll have a wonderful time tomorrow.2.(用在指示代词后面) 短语和例子 这个 this; 那个 that; 这些个 these ones3.[方言] (加在某些时间词后面); 昨儿个 yesterday; 今儿个 today; 明儿个 tomorrow Ⅲ形容词 (单独的) individual 短语和例子 个人 individual (person)
Example Sentences:
The teacher assigned ten problems for today . 老师今天指定十个问题。
I'm nudging fifty, i'm no chicken . 我年近半百,不再是个黄毛丫头了。
Of course he was a plain pro-nazi . 当然,他是个不折不扣的亲纳粹派。
We will play a trick on the old abbot . 我们要跟老修道院长开个玩笑。
He was a london boy, with a loutish air . 他是个伦敦学生,举止粗俗。
I wonder what sort of a bargain you'll make . 不知道你想卖个啥价钱。
This requires two sine-cosine resolvers . 这就需要两个正余弦分解器。
Of course i knew them both directly . 我当然一下子就认出了他们两个。
We ought to follow her good example . 她是个好榜样,我们应当仿效她。
There are at present four television channels . 现在有四个电视频道。