But this frame is not hermetically sealed 但这个框架并非严丝合缝滴水不漏。
Yes , it fits snugly underneath it , but that doesn ' t mean it should live there 诚然,电池与电脑搭配得严丝合缝,但这并不意味着电池就应该是总傍在电脑身边。
They are of identical size and appearance and put closely together . they have remained intact during the past several hundred years 它们大小一致,形状相同,安装严丝合缝,虽经数百年风雨侵蚀,依然平整如初。
It will take several visits to your dentist ( because impressions will need to be taken of your teeth to make sure the veneer fits perfectly ) 你得去看好几次牙医(因为需要制作压痕,以便镶嵌能够严丝合缝地吻合) 。
When the work was completed and the two sections were brought together to assemble the building , the two halves joined perfectly , without the slightest error 当年两组人马分头进行暗中较劲,完成后一接合,竟然严丝合缝,没有半点误差。