I would grow dizzy and my vision would dim . 我头发晕,两眼发黑。
If jabez stone had been sick with terror before, he was blind with terror now . 如果杰贝兹斯顿原来就已经吓得魂不附体,现在他可吓得两眼发黑了。
Punch your lights out 揍得你两眼发黑
If jabez stone had been sick with terror before , he was blind with terror now 如果杰贝兹?斯顿原来就已经吓得魂不附体,现在他可吓得两眼发黑了。
In general , syncope is defined by a brief loss of consciousness ( fainting ) or by dimmed vision and feeling uncoordinated , confused , and lightheaded 一般说来,晕厥的定义是意识的短暂丧失(晕倒)或两眼发黑,感到共济失调、意识迷糊或头昏眼花。
In spite of that , he still forced his way forward as desperately , and over the backs of those in front of him caught a glimpse of open space with a passage covered with red cloth in the midst of it . but at that moment the crowd began heaving back ; the police in front were forcing back those who had pressed too close to the procession . the tsar was passing from the palace to the uspensky sobor 虽然这样,他仍拼命往前钻,他前面的人们背脊的缝隙处,有一片铺着猩红地毯的空地在他眼前一闪可是这时人群忽然踉踉跄跄往后退前面的巡警推挡那些太靠近卫队行列的人群皇帝从宫里正向圣母升天大教堂走去,彼佳的肋骨意外地被狠狠地撞了一下,然后又被挤了一下,他突然两眼发黑,昏了过去。