Li xu - dong , hu tie - li , yue wen - long , fu jian - ming , xue zhan - li , yan xiao yu and wang xuexin 李旭东胡铁力岳文付建明薛战礼阎晓宇王学新
Origins of the agricultural civilization in the beijing - shanxi - hebei region as seen in the discoveries of the donghulin site 从东胡林遗址发现看京晋冀地区农业文明的起源
For the long history , people of xiaoshen , donghu , huibai nationality have amalgamated mutually , developed economic and cultural communication with zhongyuan nationalities and in the end created the distinctive ancient national culture of the northeastern region 在漫长的历史岁月中,肃慎、东胡、 (氵岁)貊等各族系的人民互相融合,并不断发展与中原各民族的经济文化交流,最终共同铸造了独具特色的东北古代民族文化。