名侦探柯南之世纪末的魔术师: detective conan 8: magician of the silver sky
Example Sentences:
The late nineteenth century saw extensive public expenditures on various social projects . 在十九世纪末叶已经把巨额公共经费用于各种社会工程。
There is an extraordinary alteration between that of the early nineteenth century and that of the century's end . 十九世纪初和十九世纪末的风气就大大不同。
The explosive advances in science and technology during the waning years of the nineteenth century provided the tools . 19世纪末叶科学技术的突飞猛进提供了物质条件。
If the american civil war had not occurred, would slavery have been persistent for the rest of the century ? 如果美国不发生南北战争,奴隶制是否会持续存在到那个世纪末?
The house, which had been built at the end of the eighteenth century, stood in the middle of a huge square enclosure . 这所十八世纪末叶建造的房子,高耸在一片广大的方围墙的正当中。
The art of alchemy began in the middle east and prospered in that part of the world and in europe till the end of the seventeenth century . 炼金术始于中东,到17世纪末,便盛行于中东地区和欧洲。
Such doubts, when coupled with conviction that society was a sham, racked the great naturalist writers of the 19th century's end . 这样的怀疑,加上社会是虚伪的想法,使十九世纪末伟大的自然主义作家们绞尽了脑汁。