| 1. | Special advisor for hunting and the protection of flora 比如狩猎方面的专家顾问 |
| 2. | Major views presented by specialist advisor mr . kwok kwok chuen 专家顾问郭国全先生的主 |
| 3. | Special adviser for hunting 比如狩猎方面的专家顾问 |
| 4. | On the expert consultant system 专家顾问制度初探 |
| 5. | Our team is composed by “ consultant group ” and “ operation group ” 我们的团队由“专家顾问团”和“经理操作团”所组成。 |
| 6. | Advisors appointed should put enough efforts into this study by working hard and responsibly 被委任的专家顾问应积极及尽责地为研究提供建议。 |
| 7. | Consultancy study on cost control and monitoring of case progress in other jurisdictions 其他司法管辖区有关法援成本控制及监察案件进度的专家顾问研究 |
| 8. | Consultancy to study legal aid practice on cost control and monitoring of case progress in other jurisdictions 其他司法管辖区有关法律援助成本控制及监察案件进度的专家顾问研究 |
| 9. | We have many high specialized technical level and rich design experience experts as our consultants 公司技术实力雄厚,拥有一批具有较高专业技术水平和丰富设计经验的专家顾问。 |
| 10. | The fda usually adopts the recommendations of adisory panels , which are groups of experts from outside the agency Fda通常采用专家顾问团的建议,专家顾问团由该机构外的专家组成。 |