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English translation for "与吾"


Related Translations:
增吾:  masugo
种吾:  tanego
吾髯:  atsura
甚吾:  jingo
押吾:  ogo
献吾:  kengo
亮吾:  ryogo
谦吾:  kengo
吾辅:  gosuke
竞吾:  kyogo
Example Sentences:
1.Morning , kids . - " thou art with me . thy rod and staff
早安,孩子们“因汝与吾同在,汝之杖,汝之节. ”
2.Morning , kids . - " thou art with me . thy rod and staff . .
早安,孩子们“因汝与吾同在,汝之杖,汝之节. . . ”
3.- morning , kids . - " thou art with me . thy rod and staff . .
早安,孩子们“因汝与吾同在,汝之杖,汝之节. . . ”
4.His spectre stalks me
5.My life ends with my duty
6.The following is a passage from my country and my people by chinese writer lin yutang
7.Two open . ings have been made in these caves ; the treasure is in the furthest a . ngle in the second ; which treasure i bequeath and leave en . tire to him as my sole heir
8.With a cry he suddenly vanished and the panel slid back . an instant later his head appeared in the door opposite and said : meet me at westland row station at ten past eleven
少顷,彼在对面门口露头,曰: “十一时十分,到韦斯特兰横街车站222与吾碰头。 ”
9.In my country and my people , i have pointed out the evils of this all - engrossing family system , which can become a form of magnified selfishness , to the detriment of the state
10.S obeyed , and the conjointed pieces gave the following : - " this 25th day of april , 1498 , be . ing invited to dine by his holiness alexander vi . , and fearing that not . content with making me pay for my hat , he may desire to become my heir , and re . serves for me the fate of cardinals caprara and bentivoglio , who were poisoned . i declare to my nephew , guido spada , my sole heir , that i have bu . ried in a place he knows and has visited with me , that is , in . the caves of the small island of monte cristo all i poss . ssed of ingots , gold , money , jewels , diamonds , gems ; that i alone . know of the existence of this treasure , which may amount to nearly two mil . lions of roman crowns , and which he will find on raising the twentieth ro . ck from the small creek to the east in a right line
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