| 1. | He was small in height and slender in limb . 他身量不高,四肢细瘦。 |
| 2. | She was short and commanding . 她的个子不高,但是很有威势。 |
| 3. | She was small, and small-boned . 她个子不高,小骨架。 |
| 4. | He is neither tall nor the contrary . 他不高不矮。 |
| 5. | He is handsome now, not too tall, but his build is respectable . 他现在长得一表人才了,个儿虽不高,一幅体格却颇为不凡。 |
| 6. | He did not appear in spirits; some thing unconnected with her was probably amiss . 他的情绪不高。大概一件与她无关的事情没有办好。 |
| 7. | There are too many regulations and restrictions , and that makes it impossible to get things done quickly . 条条框框太多,办事效率不高。 |
| 8. | Although the wood has good technical properties, the quality of lumber produced is not high . 虽然此木材具有好的加工性能,但所生产的板材质量不高。 |
| 9. | She was a small, plump woman, aging now but with a shiny, warm face, all the features generous . 她的个子不高,体态丰腴,虽然上了年纪,但面色红润,容光焕发。 |
| 10. | Although she was a shy little thing, and she never grew very big or very strong, her spirit was mighty . 她虽然身材不高,性格腼腆,且很瘦弱,意志却十分顽强。 |