Oh , to go back , go back ! the year is ending . we have no house , no home because of the 靡室靡家, xian狁之故不遑启居, xian狁之之故。
Aamo is equipped with similar kinds of meteorological facilities as those at the amo 辅助机场气象所安装了各样气象设施,规模与机场气象所不遑多让。
Overall speaking , the depictions of most of the characters are very vague , like , what is the real intention of sing 其他角色亦不遑多让整体感觉很模糊例如警长张志诚追求的究竟是什么
No less impressive , though , was the other way supplies were transported from india into china during world war ii , both before and after the land route was opened 然而,在二战期间的陆路建设同时,从印度将补给送入中国的另一条路线也不遑多让。
The new cab simulator is equipped with an advance image generator machine to generate a very high quality of computer image which is of the standard of the hollywood film production 新驾驶室装置有一部先进的影像投射器,其逼真程度与荷李活影片的制作水准不遑多让。
It is heartening to see that the quality of a local research product can be as good as brand - name softwares in the market that cost ten times more , " said professor ching pak chung 程伯中教授又表示,本地科研产品的质素较市面上昂贵十倍的名牌产品不遑多让,著实令人鼓舞。
Equally remarkable is the growth of its e - book collection . it was taken only seven years for the libraries to accumulate one million e - books , after it first began acquiring web - based e - books in the year 2000 , making it the world s first library to do so 而自二零零零年图书馆购得首批网上电子书后,馆藏电子书的数量也不遑多让,并在七年间突破百万,是全球首间拥有百万电子书的图书馆。