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English translation for "不要做什么"


Related Translations:
不要讲话:  don't speak
不要妥协:  don't break
不要嫉妒:  don't envy .it wadtes time and energy
无论如何不要:  on no account
不要惊慌失措:  don’t lose your head
不要任其自流:  don't let things slide. oneself
不要插嘴:  please don’t cut in when someone is speaking
不要走:  tempo ver
不要离去:  amp;; can’t let gocant let godon't you go away
不要说:  done't say
Example Sentences:
1." you better not do anything to hurt her .
2." monsieur , i told you that i considered it best to avoid all explanation .
“伯爵阁下,我已经告诉过您了,我认为最好是不要做什么解释。 ”
3." just look at you , did you make a valiant effort ? you didn ' t , so you have no competence to tell me what to do .
Similar Words:
"不要做得多而糟" English translation, "不要做得太过火" English translation, "不要做害人害已的蠢事" English translation, "不要做坏人" English translation, "不要做某事是重要的" English translation, "不要做什么事情、戒掉什么" English translation, "不要做无益的后悔" English translation, "不要坐失良机" English translation, "不要彷徨也不要停留" English translation, "不要怄气" English translation