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English translation for "不胜欢迎"

with a thousand welcomes; welcome with open arms

Related Translations:
不胜:  1.(承担不了) cannot bear; be unequal to 短语和例子体力不胜 be physically unequal to (a task); be physically incapable of coping with (a job); 老年人不胜忍受今年的仲夏酷暑。 the old aged cannot bear up against the mid
不胜惋惜:  be extremely sorry for sb. (about sth.)
不胜惊恐:  be in a blue fearbe in a blue funk
不胜荣幸:  be [feel] indebted for the honor of ..
不胜铭感:  be deeply grateful
不胜惊异:  be filled with wonder; to be greatly surprised
不胜惆怅:  cannot help feeling melancholy; cannot help feeling disappointed
不胜悲哀:  overcome with sorrow; extremely grieved
不胜惶惑:  be extremely perplexed and alarmed
不胜羞愧:  be extremely ashamed
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