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English translation for "不扬"

[ bùyáng ] 
(容貌丑陋) bad-looking; ugly or awkward in appearance 短语和例子

Related Translations:
品貌不扬:  one's personal appearance is not outstanding.: 其妻品貌不扬。 his wife is ordinary in her appearance
分道不扬镳:  divided we fallmusíme si pomáhat
海不扬波:  the sea is calm - - peace in the country
使不扬尘:  dust laying
身热不扬:  obscured feverrecessive fever
其妻品貌不扬:  his wife is ordinary in her appearance
Example Sentences:
1.His wife is ordinary in her appearance .
2.The rain has laid the dust .
3.He will not shout or cry out , or raise his voice in the streets
4.The rain has laid the dust
5.He shall not cry , nor lift up , nor cause his voice to be heard in the street
6.He will not cry out , nor lift up his voice , nor make his voice heard in the street
2 ?不喧嚷,不扬声,也不使街上听见?的声音。
7.He shall not cry , nor lift up , nor cause his voice to be heard in the street
8." he will not cry out or raise his voice , nor make his voice heard in the street
赛42 : 2他不喧嚷、不扬声、也不使街上听见他的声音。
9.[ kjv ] he shall not cry , nor lift up , nor cause his voice to be heard in the street
10.When we can see through such things , you can be observing at ease and will not lift an eye - brow in front of life ' s turmoil
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