Manufactured goods from asia keep flowing into this natural ice - free harbor throughout the year 亚洲的产品一年四季源源不断地运入这座天然不冻港。
It is an important ice - free harbor and the major canadian outlet to the pacific ocean and the largest cargo port on the pacific 它是加拿大一个非常重要的不冻港,而且是加拿大通往太平洋的主要通道,太平洋最大的货运港口。
Meet you local expert at nearby troldhaugen for a visit to the home of the composer edward grieg , the celebrated voice of norway 抵达挪威第二大城,也是不冻港的卑根,欣赏北国风味的渔港区,探访挪威大音乐家葛瑞克的故居。
The realization of this objective , as russia has repeatedly said , would be facilitated by the convening of a conference under the aegis of the un , at which all the political forces of iraq would be widely represented and which with the participation of its neighbors , the members of the un security council and other concerned parties would outline a strategy for a lasting iraqi settlement 摩尔曼斯克商业港口是俄罗斯在极圈内的最大不冻港,它保证了向极北地区、北极和国外运输货物,港口的年吞吐量为1200万吨。摩尔曼斯克的海运股份公司承担着客货运输的任务,它使用着那些属于国家的性能卓越的原子破冰船,所有原子破冰船都停泊在摩尔曼斯克。