| 1. | Won't you take it as a souvenir . 难道你不肯收下作个纪念吗? |
| 2. | We are fighting against very heavy odds . 我们是在力量非常悬殊的情况下作战的。 |
| 3. | He could desire such a thing only in a temporary transport . 他只能在一种临时的精神恍惚的状况下作这种希望。 |
| 4. | Chemically conditioned sludge is treated under pressure for 1 to 3 hours . 让被化学药物处理过的污泥,在压力下作用1至3小时。 |
| 5. | It was undertaken under the stress of desperation, and in its essence was purely protective . 那只不过是在绝望的迫使下作出的一种反应,就本质而言,纯属自卫性质。 |
| 6. | The governors of the new england states would not allow their armies to go into the field under federal command . 新英格兰各州的州长不准他们的军队在联邦统率下作战。 |
| 7. | I wronged her cruellyit was not so bad as your sister's business, but it was sufficiently villainous . 我做了很对不起她的事,虽说还没有糟到你妹妹那地步,可也够下作的了。 |
| 8. | Deciding in these circumstances has the benefit of at least ending wheel spinning and resolving a lot of anxiety for all concerned . 在这些情况下作出决定是有利的,至少可以结束轮子的旋转,解决大量众所关心的迫切问题。 |
| 9. | In fact, at this very moment nixon's earlier decision to hold the israeli arms aides package in abeyancetaken in quite different circumstancescaught up with him . 事实上,尼克松早已决定暂行搁置援助以色列军火一揽子计划的想法在一种迥然不同的情况下作出的决定在此特殊时刻把他束缚住了。 |
| 10. | Research on work posture in given work environment 特定作业环境下作业姿势的研究 |