| 1. | If it is not correct , use the set next statement command 如果不正确,请使用“设置下一语句”命令。 |
| 2. | To set the next statement to execute 设置要执行的下一语句 |
| 3. | To set the next statement , the debugger must be in break mode 要设置下一语句,调试器必须处于中断模式。 |
| 4. | How to : set the next statement >如何:设置下一语句 |
| 5. | In a source window , right - click on the statement you want to execute next and choose set next statement from the shortcut menu 在源窗口中,右击要执行的下一条语句,然后从快捷菜单中选择“设置下一语句” 。 |
| 6. | Set next statement or evaluate a function in a debugger window . the new code is compiled and the debugging continues with the new code 在“调试”菜单中,单击“继续” 、 “单步执行”或“设置下一语句” ,或在调试器窗口中计算函数。 |
| 7. | Window , right - click the assembly - language instruction that you want to execute next and choose set next statement from the shortcut menu 在“反汇编”窗口中,右击要执行的下一条汇编语言指令,然后从快捷菜单中选择“设置下一语句” 。 |
| 8. | When edit and continue is enabled , set next statement will fail if you have made edits that edit and continue cannot remap immediately 当启用“编辑并继续”时,如果您做出了“编辑并继续”无法立即重新映射的编辑,则“设置下一语句”将失败。 |
| 9. | The changes can be applied without having to stop and restart the debugging session . edit and continue is invoked automatically when you make changes in break mode , then choose a debugger execution command , such as continue 在中断模式下进行更改时,将自动调用“编辑并继续” ,然后选择调试器执行命令(如“继续” 、 “单步执行”或“设置下一语句” ) ,或在调试器窗口中计算函数。 |