抽: 动词1.(把夹在中间的东西拉出; 提取) take out (from in between) 短语和例子从文件夹里抽出一份报告 take a report out of the file2.(从全部里取出一部分; 腾出) take (a part from a whole) 短语和例子把他抽出来管仓库 release him from his job and put hi
燃烧: (物质剧烈氧化而发光、发热; 烧) burn; kindle; flame; set on fire; [化学] combustion; inflammation; ignition 短语和例子怒火燃烧 burning with rage; 革命的烈火在燃烧。 the flames of revolution are raging. 干柴容易燃烧。 dry wood bur