| 1. | She read a few lines and dropped the volume . 她读了几行,合上书本。 |
| 2. | He closed the book , yawned , and went to bed . 他合上书,打了个哈欠,然后上床。 |
| 3. | With this , she shut the book and left the room . 说了这话以后,她便合上书走出房间了。 |
| 4. | "bombs? what bombs?" his son closed the book and looked up with fright on his pale bony face . “炸弹?什么炸弹?”他的儿子合上书,抬起头,苍白消瘦的脸上显出了恐惧的表情。 |
| 5. | After his long travel, the flat-voweled voice of the bookstall clerk offering the latest novel sounded pleasant-pleasant the independent answers of a bearded guard, and the stodgy farewell sayings of a man and wife . 经过了长期旅行以后,书摊上书贩子推荐最新小说的平板的声音听着很悦耳-连一个长着胡髭的路警的不受拘束的答话,以及一对夫妇的平凡的话别,也听着挺舒服。 |
| 6. | Effective in bookstores palm reading software . 电子书阅读软件xreader掌上书城 |
| 7. | Want to shut the book and never open it again 想合上书然后再也不会打开的人物 |
| 8. | Want to shut the book and never open it again 想合上书然后再也不会打开的人物 |
| 9. | Teachers usually write on the blackboard with chalk 教师通常用粉笔在黑板上书写。 |
| 10. | Teachers won ' t write on the blackboard with chalk 老师们将不用粉笔在黑板上书写。 |