| 1. | Quantum beats in ladder three - level - system 梯型三能级系统量子拍频研究 |
| 2. | Probabilistic teleportation of a four - particle entangled w state 型三能级原子纠缠态传输未知四能级原子态 |
| 3. | Teleportation of an unknown two - particle three - level entangled state by unitary operations 通过幺正操作传送未知两个三能级粒子纠缠态 |
| 4. | Binomial state for radiotion field interacts with two - level atom and evolution of field entropy 场与级联型三能级原子相互作用中场熵的演化 |
| 5. | Linear entropies of a cascade three - level atom interacting with one - mode photon field 单模光场与级联三能级原子相互作用系统中熵的时间演化 |
| 6. | Effect of one - photon detuning on light speed reduction in a three - level - type atomic system 三能级原子系统中单光子频率失谐对光减速的影响 |
| 7. | In a three - level a system , the condition of establishing eit is the exact two - photon resonance 在三能级a型介质中,产生eit的条件是双光子共振。 |
| 8. | The entropy squeezing properties in a system of single - mode field interacting with type three - level atom 单模辐射场与级联三能级原子相互作用场熵的压缩特性 |
| 9. | Optimized analysis of the slab configuration in diodepumped quasithreelevel solidstate lasers paper in english 二极管泵浦准三能级板条固体激光器的优化设计 |
| 10. | Interaction of two mode initially in uncorrelated coherent states with the v type three level atom in a kerr like medium 型三能级原子的相互作用原子布居概率的时间演化 |