| 1. | When john failed in three courses, his father got after him . 约翰三科不及格,因而被他老爹痛骂了一顿。 |
| 2. | 2005 average score in 3 al subjects 2005年度平均成绩?以三科高级程度会考科目计算 |
| 3. | Theology - at least 3 courses completed excluding rst1231 神学最少修读三科(不计算rst1231在内) |
| 4. | At least three combinations from 另至少选修下述三科组合科目 |
| 5. | Average score in 3 al subjects 三科高级程度会考科目之平均成绩 |
| 6. | And 3 term courses 3 units each 三科选读科目(各三学分) * |
| 7. | An applicant who has passed any one of these subjects is exempted from attending the test 三科其中一科合格则可获豁免考试。 |
| 8. | No . 3 division 销售三科 |
| 9. | 2005 percentage of students admitted with an average of grade a in 3 al subjects 2005年度入学学生考获a级成绩之百分比?以三科高级程度会考科目计算 |
| 10. | Average combined score in use of english , chinese language and culture and 3 al subjects 英语运用中国语文及文化及三科高级程度会考科目之总平均成绩 |