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English translation for "三思"

think over
think twice

Related Translations:
三思后行:  look before you leap
三思科学:  my scienceourscience
三思而:  think carefully before you act
武三思:  wu sansi
三思而后行:  first think before you actlook before you leapscore twice before you cut oncesecond thoughts are best / think before you dothink twice before doing somethingto think before i talk
三思为妥:  better to think it over carefully
三思工作室:  thanks studio
事情迫在眉睫请你三思:  i beg you to think again now that things have reached this state
你最好三思而后行:  you d better look before you leap
这故事的寓意是三思而后行:  the moral of the story is look before you leap
Example Sentences:
1. "look before you leap" is a maxim .
2.You must think twice before you take this step .
3.Mr. assad will think twice before trying to squash christians .
4.Think carefully before you resign -- if you do that you will have burnt your boats .
5.The age of maturity is a time of serious reflection
6.- mama will be so proud ! - on second thought . . .
妈妈会很自豪!三思而后行. .
7.Top 2 : you should think twice before you make a decision
8.Look before you leap . 255 . please show me the menu
9.Think before you act if you wish to avoid friction
10.If you ' re thinking of scamming ray ritchie , think twice
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