| 1. | The first dubious snow had filtered down . 头一场雪仿佛三心二意似地飘落。 |
| 2. | I was in two minds . 我还是三心二意。 |
| 3. | It is not a state to be safely entered into doubtful feelings, with half a heart . 举棋不定,三心二意是危险的。 |
| 4. | Once she decided whose side she was on, feliks thought, there were no half measures . 她一旦决定站在哪一方,费利克斯想,她就决不三心二意。 |
| 5. | Gerald was fickle, in a week he would be in love with some girl he met on the steamer . 杰拉尔德是三心二意;不出一星期他就会爱上他在轮船上遇见的某个姑娘。 |
| 6. | Like so many of his contemporaries, twain was not whole-hearted in his praise of industrialism . 马克吐温如同他许多同时代的人一样,在赞扬工业文明的时候有点三心二意。 |
| 7. | It had hardly been a propitious beginning, but he had chosen his course, and would show no swerve . 这种情形很难说是一个吉利的开端,但是他已经选定了他的道路了,他不想三心二意。 |
| 8. | I didn ' t realize my boyfriend was two - timing me 我不知道我的男朋友对我三心二意。 |
| 9. | I didn ’ t realize my boyfriend was two - timing me 我不知道我的男朋友对我三心二意。 |
| 10. | Let not your wits go wool - gathering 莫让你的心思去收集羊毛(勿三心二意) 。 |