Then the woman must wait thirty - three days to be purified from her bleeding 4妇人在产血不洁之中,要家居三十三天。
Then the woman must wait thirty - three days to be purified from her bleeding 4 [和合]妇人在产血不洁之中,要家居三十三天。
Geshe - la set out on the thirty - three day trek across twenty - five mountain passes , the only monk in a party of fifteen merchants and pilgrims 格西拉匿称年轻时曾花了三十三天跟随一群朝圣者徒步穿越二十五个山口。
And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days ; she shall touch no hallowed thing , nor come into the sanctuary , until the days of her purifying be fulfilled 利12 : 4妇人在产血不洁之中、要家居三十三天他洁净的日子未满、不可摸圣物、也不可进入圣所。
And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days ; she shall touch no hallowed thing , nor come into the sanctuary , until the days of her purifying be fulfilled 妇人洁净产血的时期要住在家三十三天;得洁净的日子未满之前,她不可触摸任何圣物,也不可进入圣洁的地方。