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English translation for "一行字"

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Related Translations:
唐一行:  yi xing
选定一行:  select line
删除一行:  delete line
代表团一行:  15人 a 15-person delegation
一行代码:  line code
进一行:  line feed
每一行:  rows
在一行怨一行:  every one finds fault with his own trade
空一行:  double space
下一行:  next row
Example Sentences:
1.The typist omitted the last line of the letter
2.Then a line of words appears in the scene : mcdonald suggest fried food may lead to cancer
3.I must put one there - one that it will be good for dangerous young females like yerself to heed
4.That line struck me as a perfect representation of what is required of us to be successful in rotary
5.In typesetting , a machine which can cast an entire line of type as compared with one casting a character at a time
6.When she got to the place where cary had just stayed , she found these words : " nola , why didn ' t you watch me play ?
她来到刚才卡里蹲过的地方,发现地上有这样一行字: "诺拉,你为什么不看我打球了呢?
7.Not until she shifted her bifocals did she notice the handwriting , which read : " paid in full - - gregory zolton , d . v . m .
直到她推动双光眼镜的时候才注意到一行字:已全额付清? ?兽医学博士格雷戈里?佐尔顿。
8.If he had received one line , one personal line , along with one rejection of all his rejections , he would have been cheered
9.A college student in a philosophy class was taking his first examination . on the paper there was single line which simply said : " is this a question ? " - discussion
一个大学哲学班的学生第一次参加考试。卷子上简单的一行字写道: “这是个问题吗? ” -讨论。
10.Renewed hope followed renewed effort : it shone like the former for some weeks , then , like it , it faded , flickered : not a line , not a word reached me
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