E had remained until the close of the meeting “海黛一直等候到结束。
Method waits until the piece of work has started to execute but not until it completes 方法会一直等候,直到工作片断开始执行,但不用等到工作结束。
To let the resource adapter indicate that it is not prepared to wait at all or that it is prepared to wait forever ,它们允许资源适配器指明自己根本不准备等候或者准备一直等候下去。
No more connections can be made to a server product because the number of connections has reached the maximum that the server can accept 解决方案:检验伺服器上产品的授权使用量。该使用者一直等候到其他使用者停止存取该产品。若要解决问题,您可以购买更多的产品使用权。