乐而忘形: be beside oneself with joy; can not contain oneself for joy; leap out of one's skin
一时: 1.(短时间) for a short while; temporary; momentary 短语和例子一时的热情 a moment's enthusiasm; on the spur of the moment; 一时想不起来 can't recall offhand (for the moment); 一时半会儿 in short while2.(一个时期) a pe
称雄一时: once ruled the roost; swagger like a conquering hero for a time
独步一时: be unequaled in one's generation; be unparalleled for a time; reign supreme in one's own field for some time; set the pace for the generation; stand alone in..
一时糊涂: get confused temporarily; in a thoughtless moment; lose one's head for the moment
喧嚣一时: kick up a terrific racket for a while; bluster for a time; make a din for a time; raise a hue and cry; sound noisy enough 短语和例子诸如此类的论调喧嚣一时。 such a talk created quite a stir