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English translation for "一厘米"

one centimetre

Related Translations:
安厘米:  apc
克厘米:  gram-centimetre
厘米蔚蓝:  xiang-zi520
厘米同:  centimetre
厘米级:  centimetre-sized
厘米烛光:  phot
厘米秒:  cps
静电厘米:  centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic system
每厘米:  per centimeter
厘米拒收:  cm rejection
Example Sentences:
1.Some flukes can be as long as 1cm .
2.On this scale the moon would be scarcely more than a dust speck about 1cm from the sand grain .
3.Quite often it is found that in an apparently uniform piece of rock the thermal conductivity differs from centimetre to centimetre .
4.Fractions of 1 cm will be charged as 1 cm
5.The scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer
6.Squeeze out about one centimeter of ointment into your lower eyelid
7.Per cm of depth of notice
8.She ' s 1cm taller , but we have the same voices and the same mannerisms
9.The basic rule is 1 - liter of water for every 1 - cm of adult fish . ( 1 . 5 in . per gal
基本规则是一公升水对应一厘米成鱼体长(一加仑对应1 . 5英寸) 。
10.A unit of length equal to one hundred - millionth ( 10 - 8 ) of a centimeter , used especially to specify radiation wavelengths
埃长度单位,等于一厘米的百万分之一( 10 8 ) ,用来记录辐射波长
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