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English translation for "一副牌"

deck of cards
deck/pack of cards

Related Translations:
:  名词1.(牌子,用做提示、奖励、凭证等的东西) plate; tablet; board; placard 短语和例子布告牌 notice board; 车牌儿 number plate (on a vehicle); 路牌 signpost; street nameplate; 门牌儿 doorplate; 招牌 shop sign; signboard2.(牌子, 商品
Example Sentences:
1.Then he grew weary , and on a last hand lost twenty more
2.Chose a card at random from the deck
3.Do you know there are 4 7s
4.Ah , for cryin ' out ioud . lieutenant foiey , get me a new deck . this one ' s uniucky
5.He took up a pack of cards that lay on the table to deal them for a game of patience
6.They tend to expect to complete their flush again if they flop another draw
7.The magician shows you something ordinary , a deck of cards , a bird , or a man
8.Duplicate bridge is played with a pack of 52 cards , consisting of 13 cards in each of four suits
复式桥牌所打每一副牌都是52张, 4种花色,每种花色13张。
9." deal me a hand , " he said at the beginning of a new shuffle . he pulled up a chair and studied his cards
“给我发一副牌, ”在新的一局开始时,他说,他拉过来一把椅子,研究着手上的牌。
10.There is no need to keep your cards close to your chest , or indeed an ace up your sleeve , when so much gambling happens online
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