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English translation for "一再提醒"

keep after

Related Translations:
一再:  time and again; again and again; repeatedly 短语和例子一再表示感谢 express one's gratitude again and again; 一再高呼 shout again and again; 一再警告某人 caution sb. repeatedly; 一再宣称 declare time and again; 同样的
一再宣称:  declare time and again
一再蹉跎:  let one opportunity after another slip away
一再错过:  sliand slide
一再徘徊:  for another round
一再地:  over and over again
一再高呼:  shout again and again
表示一再:  acquaint ac
一再起立:  keeon standing up
一再发生:  happen or appear again or more than once
Example Sentences:
1.Light off in that spot , known that we could rock
2.I continually have to remind him of his responsibilities
3.We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us
4.They failed to open the relative l / c in spite of our repeated reminders , thus entailing unnecessary delay and expenses
5.When he told me that i was late , i thought he was joking , and pleaded with him to let me in , but that was outside of his control
6.Philosophers and biologists have repeatedly reminded us that human life would become very boring should there be no animals on earth
7.Natural disasters , environmental pollution and rapid urbanization constantly remind us of the growing importance of remote sensing in helping to understand the planet earth
8.While experts have warned women to refrain from medical intervention to delay births , they acknowledge the allure of a financial incentive worth up to 25 , 200 euros
9.As the fishing moratorium is an annual event , afcd has reminded fishermen from time to time that they should take its implications into account when planning their operations every year
10.As the fishing moratorium is an annual exercise , afcd has reminded fishermen from time to time that they should take into account its implications in planning their operation every year
Similar Words:
"一再徘徊" English translation, "一再起立" English translation, "一再失败" English translation, "一再失败地" English translation, "一再缩减的" English translation, "一再向某人要求" English translation, "一再宣称" English translation, "一再一再地经过" English translation, "一再遭受灾祸" English translation, "一再重复的花饰" English translation