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English translation for "一件外套"

a coat

Related Translations:
一件等:  pkg
一件衣裳:  an article of clothing
一件食品:  viand
一件瓷器:  a piece of china
一件艺术品:  an art
管状外套:  jacket tube
事情要一件一件地做:  there’s a time for everything
一件艺术作品:  p; a work of art
一件家俱:  a piece of furniture
下一件大事:  next big thing
Example Sentences:
1.I needed only to wear a suit and a thin shirt .
2.I , m looking for a coat to match my red sweater
3.It is absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather
4.Get yourself a nice pair of shoes and a jacket .
给自己买一双漂亮的鞋子和一件外套。 ”
5.The saleswoman set aside the coat for the fat lady
6.What ' s behind the door ? there is a coat
7.It ' s absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather
8.An overcoat or shawl
9.All students finish the semester with a garment for themselves ( that fits
学期结束的时候,所有的学生将为自己制作一件外套(合身的! )
10.Lady : i ' d like to buy a sweater for my dog . clerk : what size ? lady : i have no idea
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