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English translation for "一个模子里铸出来的"

made out of the same mould

Related Translations:
模子:  mould; matrix; pattern; die 短语和例子用模子把泥土做成人像 mould clay into the shape of a figure; 一个模子里铸出来的 made out of the same mould; as like as two peas
橡胶模子:  o moulds for rubbers
首饰模子:  jeweller's die
玻璃模子:  o moulds for glass
晁模子:  [植物学] chaulmoogra (大风子)
铸造模子:  casting dieo moulds for foundry
塑料模子:  o moulds for plastics
蛋糕模子:  cake mold
石墨模子:  graphite mouldgraphitemould
真空模子:  vacuum-tight mold
Example Sentences:
1.How handsome she thought him ! but he was really very ugly . indeed , he was exactly like his mother
2.Most scholars believe that the arms of brass and copper alloy european metalwork were cast whole from a single mold in van eyck ' s time ; crockets were not soldered or riveted onto the main arms
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