n. 1.一岁仔,一岁的孩子[动物];一年生植物[树苗];【赛马】一岁的马。 2.〔美俚〕(西点军校的)二年级生。 adj. 一岁的;经过了一年的。 a yearling bride 结婚满一年的新娘子。
Example Sentences:
Eleanor was thirty-four and saddled with five kids, including a yearling . 埃莉诺当时已经三十四岁,有五个孩子缠身,最小的不满两周岁。
The wolf will live with the lamb , the leopard will lie down with the goat , the calf and the lion and the yearling together ; and a little child will lead them 6 [和合]豺狼必与绵羊羔同8居,豹子与山羊羔同卧;少壮狮子与牛犊并肥畜同群;小孩子要牵引它们。
[ niv ] the wolf will live with the lamb , the leopard will lie down with the goat , the calf and the lion and the yearling together ; and a little child will lead them 6 [和合]豺狼必与绵羊羔同8居,豹子与山羊羔同卧;少壮狮子与牛犊并肥畜同群;小孩子要牵引它们。
This document provides an introduction to using profit formulas to determine breeding goals , covering such topics as factors influencing the profits from selling weaned calves , reasons that effect profit , yearling calves and fattening households , and feed budgets 内容涉及影响销售断乳牛犊的养牛专业户的利润的因素,影响利润一岁小牛及育肥户的因素及饲料预算等
Blanco said the unnamed multimillion - dollar colt sold as a yearling for 425 , 000 a year ago and had not been expected to fetch such an astonishing sum at tuesday ' s annual auction organised by fasig - tipton co . inc . , a leading north american thoroughbred auction firm 布兰科说,早在1年前,有人就提出这匹还未命名的小马的身价可达到42 . 5万美元,但没想到它在今年的拍卖会上卖出了世界最高价。