Sir , i am going to have to ask you to leave . - yar 先生,我不得不请你离开了-对
- sir , i am going to have to ask you to leave . - yar -先生,我不得不请你离开了-对
Production has returned to normal after only one yar (只用一年时间,生产就恢复正常了。 )
Yar , we are taking a shortcut 对,我们要走一条近路
Cy container yar 集装箱货柜堆场
That ' s true , you can ' t tell him if you like him . - yar , i tried that once and it didn ' t go well -千真万确,你不能告诉他你是不是喜欢他-是啊,我试了一次效果不太好
That ' s true , you can ' t tell him if you like him . - yar , i tried that once and it didn ' t go well . . 千真万确,你不能告诉他你是不是喜欢他-是啊,我试了一次效果不太好. .
- that ' s true , you can ' t tell him if you like him . - yar , i tried that once and it didn ' t go well . . -千真万确,你不能告诉他你是不是喜欢他-是啊,我试了一次效果不太好. .
And since 1991 , productivity has increased by about 2 % a yar , which is more than twice the 1978 - 1987 averages 自1991年起,生产力以每年大约2 %的速度增长,是1978年到1987年的平均值的两倍的多。
It is believed that the case study of yar village suggests that in the modernization of rural uygur societies , the modernization of people is a key issue , for which education plays a substantial role . it can be seen from the case that modern education has gradually taken the place of traditional education and important functions in modernization of people have been observed . however , the study also notices that there exist some defects of modern education 文化传统是现代化得以发展和实现的基础之一,现代教育是在传统教育基础上发展起来的,没有文化传承的现代教育不是完全意义上的现代教育,因此,多民族乡村的现代教育,应该包含民族传统文化中的有利于乡村社会现代化和文化传承的内容和方法,并且使之融入到现代教育的观念、方法中,使多民族地区乡村现代化建立在既保持传统文化的精华,又有不断创新和发展的社会文化基础之上。