| 1. | Pan pu - feng , hou lan - tian , tian yan - tao and li xin - xin 潘普丰侯蓝田田岩涛李欣欣 |
| 2. | Yan xiao - yu , yue wen - long , wang xue - xin and fu jian - ming 阎晓宇岳文王学新付建明 |
| 3. | Hong han - yu , , yu jiu - yang , chen yi - chao and yi xin - jian 洪汉玉喻九阳陈以超易新建 |
| 4. | Wang xue - xin , yang zhao - jin , yue wen - long and yan xiao - yu 王学新杨照金岳文闫晓宇 |
| 5. | The tragic character of the novels of xin - ganjue school 论新写实小说的悲剧意味 |
| 6. | Bing xin ' s influence on early ba jin literature comment 冰心对早年巴金文学的影响 |
| 7. | On liu xin ' s historic theory of new five moralities 论刘歆的新五德终始历史学说 |
| 8. | Who is better ? - on the comparison of su and xin ' s ci 词学批评史中的苏辛词比较论 |
| 9. | Chair : prof . chen xin , vice - president of stvu 主持人:陈信(上海电视大学副校长) |
| 10. | The metaphor and entrusting in love poems of xin qiji 辛弃疾爱情词的比兴与寄托 |