The whole windless place smelt sour and ammoniac . 没有一丝风,整个这块地方弥漫着酸臭和阿摩尼亚味道。
The bullhorn acacia is not a tree of the dark windless depths of the tropical rain-forest . 牛角相思树不喜欢在阴暗不透风茂密的热带林区中生长。
And in addition, there was intense curiosity as to how, on so fair and windless a day, so strange an accident could have occurred . 除此以外,大家还非常奇怪,象这样一个晴朗而根本没有风的日子,怎么会发生这样离奇的意外。
But even on windless days the air always smelt of something under - earth : sulphur , iron , coal , or acid 甚至无风的时候,空气里也带着一种地窖下的什么恶味。
A torch can usually keep burning for approximately 15 minutes , and the flame is 25 to 30 centimetres high in a windless environment 在零风速下燃烧时间约15分钟,火焰高度为25至30厘米。
Simulation assessment of hazardous consequence of poisonous material diffused into atmosphere under instantaneous leakage and windless condition 有毒化学物质瞬时泄漏无风大气扩散的危害后果模拟分析
As a flame in a windless place does not waver , the analogy is cited of one perfected in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness ; just as the self - realized being , whose controlled mind unwaveringly engages in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness 就象火苗在没有风的地方不会摇摆一样,类似的,在融合统一个体意识(知觉)与根本意识(觉知)的修炼中实现圆满的人,就象自我觉悟了的人一样,受控的心意在融合统一个体意识(知觉)与根本意识(觉知)中也是保持稳定的。