| 1. | Yet household surveys by the wfp last year found no chinese grain 据说,中国已于2005年遣送了50万吨的谷物援助。 |
| 2. | Yet household surveys by the wfp last year found no chinese grain 然而,去年wfp挨家挨户进行调查时并没有发现任何来自中国的粮食。 |
| 3. | Some 77 per cent of the wfp ' s food purchases are made in developing countries 在世界粮食计划署购买的粮食中,大约有77 %产自发展中国家。 |
| 4. | These are wfp s standard operating procedures for countries all over the world 这些是世界粮食计划署适用于全世界所有国家的标准运作程序。 |
| 5. | The main focus of the wfp to date has been to provide aid in areas where food was unavailable 迄今为止世界粮食计划署的重点一直是为那些无法获得食品的地区提供援助。 |
| 6. | About half of the donations the wfp receives are now made in cash , the rest in commodities 目前,在世界粮食计划署收到的捐赠中,大约有一半是现金,另一半是大宗商品。 |
| 7. | The wfp director said he sought to make this point in a meeting thursday , with burma ' s prime minister 世界粮食计划署负责人莫里斯说,他星期四和缅甸总理会晤时试图阐明这一点。 |
| 8. | A drop in the ocean : the wfp reckons it will have to feed as many as 4m zimbabweans by next april 这实在只是沧海一粟:联合国粮食计划署预计,到明年4月,他们必须为400万津巴布韦人提供必需品。 |
| 9. | China contributed more than $ 20 million to the wfp last year , and said it will consider increasing support in the future 中国在去年提供了两千多万美元给世界粮食计划署,并说将考虑在未来增加援助。 |
| 10. | The un ' s world food programme ( wfp ) said that army chiefs in mandalay briefly restricted its much - needed food supplies ( see article ) 联合国粮食计划署曾表示,曼德勒的军方指挥官们暂时禁止了其急需的粮食供应。 |