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English translation for "wehrmacht"

〔德语〕 (德国)国防军〔指二次世界大战时及以前的德国军队〕。
Example Sentences:
1.The wehrmacht is becoming stingier all the time about this .
2.The wehrmacht obeyed, and marched off into the remotest depths of southern russia on two separate roads to its sombre fate .
3.Wehrmacht flak 88 health increased from 200 to 325
国防军防御学的88炮生命值由200增加到325 。
4.Kasserine pass would teach the americans how to fight the wehrmacht
5.Us and wehrmacht mortar teams will no longer charge head on into enemies
6.Wehrmacht stuh 42 weapon does marginally increased area damage to infantry
7.Wehrmacht registered artillery cost reduced from 150munitions to 125munitions
国防军防御学的预定点炮击弹药消耗由150降低为125 。
8.After germany occupied yugoslavia , the wehrmacht opened radio belgrade to broadcast to its troops in the balkans and north africa
9.Axis wehrmacht and stormtroopers no longer use the same group selection . double - clicking on either unit type will no longer select both unit types
10.Panzer elite panzer iv infantry support tank had its main weapon accuracy increased vs tp _ infantry ( us and wehrmacht infantry ) and tp _ infantry _ elite ( us rangers ) from . 4 to . 5
装甲精英四型步兵支援坦克主炮对英军步兵以及美国游骑兵射击精度倍数由40 %增加到50 % 。
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