Experimental study of effect of fly ash on engineering characteristics of waterish loess 粉煤灰影响湿陷性黄土工程性质试验
They were typical and representational , the 1 , the temperatures of road surface and the sample of soil were collection and menstruated . after experimentation , the data of 1 under kinds of situation were got . through the data treating with , this thesis is got the season coefficient about asphalt concrete road surface under the dry - or waterish state 本文主要是科学、合理地选定具有代表性、典型性路段,对该路段的路面弯沉值、地表温度、土样等进行外业采集、测定,再通过试验和内业数据整理计算,得出沥青路面不同干湿状态下弯沉值的季节影响系数。