Chung wab offers free computer - aided design 2 - dimensional or 3 - dimensional floor plan service 本公司主设计部按客户要求提供免费设计平面立体图。
Sends itself to all the addresses found in the files . txt , . eml , . html , . htm , . dbx , and . wab Htm , . dbx ,和. wab延伸档名的档案内找到的电邮地址。
The worm sends itself to all the addresses it finds in the . txt , . eml , . html , . htm , . dbx , and . wab files Htm , . dbx ,和. wab延伸档名的档案内找到的电邮地址。
It uses its own smtp engine to send itself to email addresses that it finds in the microsoft windows address book and in . dbx , . wab , . mbx , . eml , and . mdb files 它拥有自己的电子邮件发送程式( smtpengine ) ,透过电邮将自己传播至受害者微软视窗上的所有电邮地址( windowsaddressbook )和. dbx , . wab ,
It mails itself to all email addresses listed in the infected user s windows address book ( wab ) . it arrives in an email with a subject that it randomly selects from a group of japanese language phrases if the email address of the recipient ends with . jp 这是一种大量传送电子邮件的蠕虫,它会将自己以电邮型式传送给windows地址薄( wab )上所有的地址。如果收件者的电邮地址尾部是. jp ,它会从一组日文字句中随意选择一个来做主旨。