Mutilations , amputations , dislocation of the joints , " restorations " ; this is the greek , roman , and barbarian work of professors according to vitruvius and vignole 肢解、截肢、四肢脱臼、修复,那是维特吕维于斯和维尼奥尔的倡导者们所进行的希腊式、罗马式或野蛮式的工作。
“ so by the arrangement of theatres in accordance with the science of harmony , the ancients increased the power of the voice . ” that is how marcus vitruvius pollio , a roman architect , described the design of greek theatres “通过将科技与歌剧院的布局进行完美的结合,古人展示出了声音的魅力”这是名为马库斯的一位罗马建筑师对希腊歌剧院设计的描述。