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English translation for "vimanas"

Example Sentences:
1.Unfortunately , vimanas , like most scientific discoveries , were ultimately used for war
2.The vedas describe something called vimanas or space ships , which is the ancient name for ufo ' s used by these beings
3.Ancient indian texts on vimanas are so numerous it would take several books to relate what they have to say
4.As well as being able to fly within earth ' s atmosphere , vimanas were also said to be able to travel into space and travel submerged underwater
5.The vimanas - the ramayana describes a vimana as a double - deck , circular ( cylindrical ) aircraft with portholes and a dome
维曼拿斯? ? 《罗摩衍那》描述了维曼拿斯是双重的碟子,圆形(或柱形)的飞行器,带有舷窗和圆顶。
6.Sanskrit texts are filled with references to gods who fought battles in the sky using vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as any we can deploy in these more enlightened times
7.Similar , if not identical to vimanas , vailixi were generally " cigar shaped " and had the capability of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere or even outer space
类似地,如果并不是与维曼拿相一致,维利斯一般认为是“雪茄形状” ,能够在水底下航行,同样也可以在大气层上,甚至可以在外太空。
8.It also mentions 31 essential parts of these vehicles and 16 materials from which they are constructed , which absorb light and heat ; for which reason they were considered suitable for the construction of vimanas
它也提及到这些交通工具的31个精华部分, 16种建造的原材料,用来吸收太阳和热量,因为他们认为这对于维曼拿的构造是合适的。
9.The ancient indians themselves wrote entire flight manuals on the control of various types of vimanas , of which there were basically four : the shakuna vimana , the sundara vimana , the rukma vimana and the tripura vimana
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