Combine the characteristic of shandong , under the guidance of principles , such as thought of sustainable development , etc . , regard improving society ' s development level of regional economy and ability of sustainable development of area as the purpose , appraised the index system synthetically after setting up the urb 结合山东省的特点,在可持续发展思想等原则的指导下,以提高区域经济社会发展水平和区域可持续发展能力为目的,建立了山东省城市化水平综合评价指标体系。
This paper gives a profound analysis on the causes and process of formation , feat ures of the locations , their varieties and specific property of “ the self - organ i zed meeting center ” by applying the modern principle of ecology , and these ce nter s vary from each other , they have proper and stable locations and many activities for outside go on at particular times , which is mainly for old people in urb an c ommunities . it points out that the natural ecological feature which has been is many old people s spiritual sustenance which has been possessed during the f orm ation of the centers . it also indicates the necessity of including this factor in to the construction planning of urban cities and the architects responsibili ties to provide places for these people , instead of the passive finding for the pub lic 运用现代生态学原理对城市社区中以老年人为主体组成的形式多样、布点合理、场所稳定,在特定时间开展诸多户外活动的“自发聚会中心”的成因、形成过程和条件、场所种类及特性进行了深入分析,指出这一中心的形成所具有的自然生态特质,它是众多老年人户外活动的感情寄托,并提出在城市社区建设中纳入这一因素的必要性,认为建筑师应在规划中主动地提供场所与条件,而不是老年人自发被动地寻求。
The construction of special agricultural production trade markets , the rich farmers " migration to towns and the agricultural processing factories centralization to towns all promoted the small towns development , promoted the basic facility construction both in small towns and villages . these progress also impelled the optimization and reorganization of the key elements which were necessary for urb 专业市场的建设促进了小城镇的发展,农民致富后向集镇的聚集和加工业的发展,加快了小城镇和农村地区的基础设施建设,农业产业化发展也推动了城乡生产要素的优化配置,加快了城乡一体化步伐。
But due to compare small population , it is not suitable to increase much more the small downs in the north tian shan , we should resist the quantity of small town according to intensive urban development model and the north tian shan really situation . and forbid unnecessary demand . let the present join into urban and make the urb 本文的特色在于,结合天山北坡区域经济的发展,提出区域城市化发展的整体规划,在坚持可持续发展的原则基础上,实现大中小城市和小城镇的协调发展,为天山北坡城市化的发展提供了新的思路和发展方向。