adj. 1.不合时令的,季候不顺的,(气候等)反常的。 2.过时的,不合时宜的。 3.不适于某种场合的,不得当的。 adv. -ably ,-ness n.
Example Sentences:
Unseasonable dry winter weather prevailed over most of north china up to the end of march 到3月底止,华北大部分地区都是不正常的干燥冬季气候。
I felt sorely urged to weep ; but conscious how unseasonable such a manifestation would be , i restrained it 我很想哭,但意识到那种表现会不合情理,便忍住了。
" it may be so , " said the young clergyman , indifferently , as waiving a discussion that he considered irrelevant or unseasonable “可能是这样的, ”年轻的牧师谈淡地说,象是放弃了这个他认为不相干和没道理的讨论。
From ancient mesopotamia to today ' s vineyards , the eternal enemies include fungus and bugs , extreme heat and unseasonable cold 从古代的美索不达米亚到现在的葡萄种植园,他们对抗的永久敌人包括:真菌,小虫,酷热和不合时宜寒冷。
It was a handsome room , with a fine marble fireplace facing the long sash windows , firmly closed against the unseasonable chill 这真是间华丽的办公室,用精美的大理石做成的壁炉正对着推拉式的窗子,将不合时令的寒冷紧紧关在外面。
I perceived he was bent on refusing my mediation , so very reluctantly i went up to the library , and announced the unseasonable visitor , advising that he should be dismissed till next day 我明白他是根本不理睬我的想法,因此我很勉强地走到书房,给这个不合时宜的来访者通报,劝主人让他走,明天再说。
Deepening the party and government cadre system reform is to carry on the reform of all kinds of unseasonable systems in the work of cadres , perfect every concrete system by reforming , and form a pooling talents , trying one ' s best , being ready to accept a higher or a lower post , dynamic employing mechanism progressively 深化党政干部制度改革就是要对干部工作中各种不合时宜的制度进行改革,并通过改革和完善各项具体制度,逐步形成广纳群贤、人尽其才、能上能下、充满活力的用人机制。