| 1. | Heaters must be distributed uniformly around the orchard . 加热器必须均匀地分布于园内。 |
| 2. | An undisturbed object continues to move uniformly in a straight line . 未受干扰的物体继续沿直线匀速前进。 |
| 3. | A crop can be sown, weeded, irrigated, and fertilized uniformly . 一种作物可以均匀一致地进行播种,除草,灌溉和施肥。 |
| 4. | Fluid stains do not spread uniformly even over smooth single fibers . 流体污垢即使在光滑的单纤维上面也不会均匀分布。 |
| 5. | A small amout of light powder of cork dust is sprinkled uniformly along the tube . 少量的轻粉末或软木屑均匀地撒在管内。 |
| 6. | Car pets, once rich and uniformly springy, were thinning in paths . 那一度色彩绚丽,富有弹性的地毯,现在有的地方已经越磨越薄了。 |
| 7. | The machine is capable of processing 500 mm square plates very uniformly . 这种机器可用来冲洗500毫米见方的底片,并得到很均匀的效果。 |
| 8. | We consider next the electric field set up by a long thin uniformly charged wire . 我们接着讨论由一细长、均匀带电的直导线所产生的电场。 |
| 9. | In an uniform field, the lines of force are straight parallel, and uniformly spaced . 在匀强电场中,电力线是平行的直线,其间隔是均匀的。 |
| 10. | The arsenic atoms will be uniformly distributed throughout the crystal when the sample solidifies . 当样品凝固时,砷原子将在整个晶体中均匀分布。 |