| 1. | This may upset the uniformity of burning . 这可能影响燃烧的均一性。 |
| 2. | They are two things, unity and uniformity . 原来“统一”与“划一”是两件事啊。 |
| 3. | Physics can arrive at universally valid uniformities . 物理学能够达到普遍有效的齐一性。 |
| 4. | This universal uniformity contributed to his malaise . 这种千篇一律的格式,使他感到很不舒服。 |
| 5. | A great uniformity of work prevails over the wide expanse . 在这片广大土地上的工作是一种统一的伟大工作。 |
| 6. | A soil having a uniformity coefficient smaller than 2 is considered uniform . 均匀系数小于2的土壤可视为均质土。 |
| 7. | It is not out of a dead uniformity that they can be expected to raise . 人们不可能期待它们从死气沉沉的单调中诞生出来。 |
| 8. | Excessive uniformity may prevent further progress after a few generations . 过分的单一化,有可能阻止几代后的进一步发展。 |
| 9. | They prospered in their diversity more than in uniformity . 他们的兴旺,与其说是得力于整齐划一,不如说是得力于参差错落。 |
| 10. | These are modern materials having greater uniformity and higher optical sensitivity . 这些是均质性更好、光学灵敏度更高的现代材料。 |