Natasha had promised to come out to kuragin at the back entrance at ten oclock in the evening . kuragin was to get her into a sledge that was to be all ready with three horses in it , and to drive her off sixty versts from moscow to the village of kamenka , where an unfrocked priest was in readiness to perform a marriage ceremony over them . at kamenka a relay of horses was to be in readiness , which was to take them as far as the warsaw road , and thence they were to hasten abroad by means of post - horses 娜塔莎一口答应晚上十点钟在后门台阶与库拉金相会,库拉金就要扶她坐上事先准备的三套马车,就要把她送到离莫斯科六十俄里的卡缅卡村,在那里请到一位还俗的牧师,牧师给他们举行结婚仪式,卡缅卡村业已准备换乘的马匹,把他们送到华沙大道,之后就改乘驿马行路,疾速地驰往国外。