They knew unerringly what to aspire to . 他们完全明白应追求什么。
The bell captain, herbie chandler, was firmly and unerringly impaled . 侍者领班赫比钱德勒被又稳、又准地抓住了。
A large, soft tomato, unerringly aimed, stuck the chairman in the face . 一只又大又烂的西红柿,不偏不倚地正好打在董事长的脸上。
The bell captain , herbie chandler , was firmly and unerringly impaled 侍者领班赫比?钱德勒被又稳、又准地抓住了。
The theory of navigation , which enabled the ships to travel unerringly their courses over the pathless ocean , was made clear to him 他现在懂得了能让船只在没有道路的海上航行不致迷路的航海理论,揭开了风暴雨和潮汐的奥秘。
Someone once said " he plays the game as if it is a matter of life and death all the time knowing that of course it is not " an unerringly accurate description 有人曾经说“他踢球,似乎是一直当做生命中最重要的事情,而常人却理所当然的认为不是”精准的描述。
Guided by instinct , by the otherworldly radiance of the southern cross , they head unerringly for their traditional breeding ground where - after a ritual courtship of intricate dances and delicate maneuvering , accompanied by a cacophony of ecstatic song - they will pair off into monogamous couples and mate 在冰雪中没有任何的食物可食用的情况下,体重只剩下原来三分之一的企鹅妈妈生下了独一无二的企鹅蛋。然而它们可不能沈溺在新生的喜悦中,更艰难的挑战紧随而至。